The Single-Life Ruleset
at Battle Born
Battle Born V – 2025
These are the rules for the Single-Life Broadsword, Rapier, & Longsword Tournaments. If you’re looking for Battle Born’s regular Broadsword/Longsword/Rapier/Smallsword competition ruleset, click here!
This is an experimental ruleset for a tournament format where fencers only get a “single life”: If you are struck, you are out of the tournament.
Match Overview
Each match will last a maximum 90 seconds, but will be ended as soon as a scoring action occurs.
Each exchange will begin when the Referee calls “Fight!”
As soon as a judge sees a scoring technique occur, they will call “Point!”, and the Referee will allow for a moment for a single step/cut to be thrown before calling “Break!” As soon as “Break!” is called, the fighters must immediately cease all fencing and return to their respective corners. No strike landed after “Break!” has been called will be counted as a scoring action. Furthermore, after “Point!” has been called, the fighters are permitted only a single “afterblow” strike. The Referee will then, after consulting with the other judge, call the type of action and the score for the table, before beginning a new exchange.
Once time has been reached, the current exchange will be stopped immediately, and if no scoring action has occurred, both fencers will lose the match and be eliminated from the tournament.
If a fencer strikes their opponent without being struck in return, that fencers wins the match and their opponent is eliminated.
If both fencers deliver scoring strikes, both fencers lose the match and are eliminated from the tournament.
If neither fencer is struck by a scoring technique during an exchange, it is counted as no exchange, and the match will continue.
Please note that there is no distinction between initial strikes or doubles, nor between them and afterblows. There will also be no distinction between low and high priority targets.
If a fencer disarms their opponent without being struck and while still retaining a sword, they will win the match and their opponent will be eliminated, regardless of whether or not they have stricken their opponent in the process.
Standing grappling is permitted. When a grappling action is initiated, the Referee will begin a steady 3-count, after which “Break!” will be called if no scoring action has occurred. Grappling is never, by itself, a scoring action.
Forbidden Techniques:
Blade grabs are permitted in the longsword tournament, but are forbidden in the rapier & broadsword tournaments. A blade grab in rapier or broadsword will be treated as a strike to the grabbing fencer’s hand with no opportunity for an afterblow. Any movement that traps the opponent’s blade between two parts of the same hand will be considered a blade grab.
Intentional strikes to the back of the spine are always forbidden.
Takedowns of any kind are forbidden.
It should not need to be said, but the following actions are also always forbidden:
Throwing objects of any kind
Striking with any weapon other than an approved sword
“Mordschlag”-style strikes
Strikes with the cross or basket
Any other action which is obviously unreasonably dangerous in a tournament setting.
Dangerous defensive behavior (such as intentionally blocking a cut with the hand) may be penalized by the judges if the judges believe it may have been done to reduce the opponent’s ability to strike a scoring blow.
Fencer Conduct:
Fencers are expected to compete with composure and decorum. Any perceived attempt to influence the judges' decision to that fencer's benefit will be immediately met with a warning, and will escalate to an instant loss. To be clear: Fencers should remain quiet and composed until the judges have finished calling the point. If a fencer is injured in such a manner that they are unable to retain composure while they wait for the judges’ call, they will be encouraged to withdraw from the match and seek medical attention immediately. Unnecessarily unruly or disruptive behavior after the call has been made may still be penalized at the referee’s discretion.
Violations of these rules will generally result in progressive penalties, starting with a warning, and escalating to an instant loss. Continued infractions may result in expulsion from the tournament. Severe infractions, or those that seem clearly designed to give an advantage, may result in a fencer receiving higher initial penalties at the judges’ discretion. Fencers who fail to heed the instructions of the Referee or judges may be likewise penalized.
Ring Outs:
If one fighter steps entirely out-of-bounds with both feet, they will be eliminated and their opponent will be awarded a win. There will be no penalty if they have been physically forced out of the ring! If any other scoring action occurs before the ring out, the ring out shall be ignored.
Any fencer who injures their opponent to the point where their opponent is prevented from continuing to fence on the advice of a medical professional will have the match counted as a LOSS for the fencer who caused the injury. At the Referee’s discretion, this may be waived if the injured party was engaging in grossly unsafe behavior (such as by blocking an incoming cut with an open palm). Be mindful of the safety of your fencing partners. Harming your opponent will not be rewarded.
Needless to say, if a fencer can no longer continue to fence, they will be forced to forfeit their place in the tournament.
Valid Strikes (Broadsword):
Valid strikes may be cuts, slices, or thrusts.
Cuts: Cuts must land with proper edge alignment and demonstrate at least a 45° arc of travel to be considered valid. Incidental contact does not a cut make!
Slices: For a slice to be counted, it must a) involve a draw or push in a single direction with at least 10” of total blade-on-target contact with proper edge alignment, b) not be performed against or over the opponent’s weapon, and c) be performed against the neck, head, or wrist. Incidental contact does not a slice make!
Thrusts: Any touch with the point that obviously makes contact while the point is moving forward towards the target will be considered a valid thrust.
Pommel Strikes: Pommel strikes are not a scoring action.
Valid Strikes (Longsword):
Valid strikes may be cuts (“hews”), slices, or thrusts. All strikes must be performed with two hands on the weapon to be considered valid, except when undertaken as part of a grappling action. Blade grabs are not considered grappling—one-handed strikes from a blade grab will be ignored.
Cuts: Cuts must land with proper edge alignment and demonstrate at least a 45° arc of travel to be considered valid. Incidental contact does not a cut make!
Slices: For a slice to be counted, it must a) involve a draw or push in a single direction with at least 10” of total blade-on-target contact with proper edge alignment, and b) not be performed against or over the opponent’s weapon. Incidental contact does not a slice make! Additionally, slices against the torso (under the opponent’s arms) will be ignored.
Thrusts: Any touch with the point that obviously makes contact while the point is moving forward towards the target will be considered a valid thrust.
Pommel Strikes: Must be to the front (mesh) or top of the mask only. Pommel strikes anywhere else may be penalized. Pommel strikes should always be thrown with a minimal amount of force for safety.
Tournament Structure
The entire tournament is single-elimination. If two competitors are both struck, both will be eliminated.
Resolving Ties
If, during any given tier of eliminations (such as “quarterfinals”), all competitors are eliminated due to doubles/afterblows, any fencer who was eliminated on a ring out, time out, or afterblow will be given an additional life and allowed to fence another round. If all competitors were eliminated due to doubles (and not afterblows, time outs, or ring outs), all competitors in that tier will be given an additional life and the entire tier shall be refought.
There will be no 3rd place award or bronze medal match.
If two competitors are left at the end of any given tier of eliminations, they will be the final competitors and will fight for Gold in much the same manner as described above. If both are struck during the exchange, they will fight another exchange until a single competitor emerges as the victor.
Equipment Requirements
Equipment requirements are identical to our regular tournaments. You may find those rules here.